Volunteer In Our Community
Community Giving
We encourage our membership to get involved any way that works for their interests, lifestyle and abilities. Not only does volunteerism help us keep PJTC running smoothly, it also fosters Jewish community that is caring, supportive and committed to the Jewish values of Tikkun Olam.
Ways you can volunteer and give back to your community:
Pastoral Care
PJTC’s Chaplain, Claire Gorfinkel, assists our clergy with Pastoral Care, lending an extra hand, ear, or shoulder to individuals and families in our community who need extra support. She arranges special home deliveries, assists with transportation needs, visits the sick and home-bound, organizes food following a funeral or for shiva minyans, and more, to keep our membership happy and connected to our community. To learn more or to participate, email claire@pjtc.net.
Administrative Volunteers
You can volunteer to assist in our office or assist with office work from home, helping the clergy and staff with the many administrative tasks that need to be done. You can also offer your time on an as-needed basis as it works with your schedule or when larger projects arise (member-wide mailings, etc.). To schedule office volunteer time or to put yourself on a “call me when you need an extra hand” list, please email info@pjtc.net.
Membership Committee
These PJTC members work to build our community through programs that support current members and engage potential new members. If you are interested in lending a hand, ideas, or other needed support, please email Melissa Levy.
Religious School
Our children are our future, and it is the LBSRS mission to provide them with the best education in Jewish values and tradition and the most welcoming and nurturing environment possible. Through the work of volunteers, we are able to execute numerous special events, programs, and activities. If you wish to volunteer your time or a useful skill to make the program the best it can be, please contact Daniel Platt.
Youth Activities
Our kids and teens need programming that speaks specifically to them. PJTC's Youth Director, Emily Catalano, works tirelessly to creatively engage them with ongoing activities and special events—and can always use fresh ideas and extra hands to pull off the magic that keeps our younger members involved in our community. We especially need help with our new Machar group for TK-2nd graders. Email Emily if you would like to lend a hand.
Torah/Haftarah Readers
If you are interested in participating in a Shabbat service as a Torah or Haftarah Reader, we would love to include you! Send us an email and we can discuss arrangements.
Oneg/Kiddush Luncheon Host
A community that eats together stays together. And, as a non-profit organization, we can use your help in hosting our oneg and kiddush luncheons and allowing our community to bond over full bellies. You can host as an individual, a family or a group, and there are also opportunities to simply help with set up and clean up if funds are standing in the way of your involvement. Please contact PJTC Sisterhood for more information, to sponsor, and to volunteer.
Shabbat Greeters
For in-person services, Shabbat Greeters welcome our congregants and guests to Friday night and Saturday morning Shabbat services. For more information, you can download our Greeter Guide. To volunteer as a Greeter, email us!
Meals at Friends In Deed Bad Weather Shelter
PJTC Sisterhood regularly serves meals at the Friends In Deed Bad Weather Shelter. Friends In Deed is an interfaith organization that provides supportive services to meet basic human needs of our homeless and at-risk Pasadena neighbors so they can rebuild their lives. You do not have to be a member of Sisterhood to join them in this act of giving. Just reach out to them to find out when they are helping next!
Friends of Union Station
PJTC members gather regularly to participate and support the efforts of Union Station Homeless Services, a nonprofit organization committed to helping homeless individuals and families rebuild their lives. To stay informed and join us on upcoming charitable activities, send us an email.
Mitzvah Projects
Each of our wonderful B’nai Mitzvah students leads a mitzvah project as part of their becoming a B’nai Mitzvah. At times, there are projects that allow for additional community involvement. When this happens, the project(s) and links to more information can be found here.
Mitzvah Day
Each November the PJTC community comes together to help others. The day is family-friendly and open to all ages, with activities that focus on social action and supporting those in need. Look for our Mitzvah Day flyers and details on our Upcoming Events page.
Purim Carnival
Each February/March PJTC hosts a Purim Carnival, a super fun, family-friendly event that celebrates this special holiday and brings our community together. This event, filled with concessions, games, music and entertainment, requires many helping hands. To put your name on the volunteer list, just send us an email. We would LOVE your help.
Foothill Unity Center Food Drive
Each year, between Yom Kippur and Sukkot, PJTC supports the Foothill Unity Center with a congregational food drive. When there is an active food drive, you can find a link to details here.
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
Shabbat Services
All are welcome to join our in-person services every Friday at 7:30PM and Saturday at 9:30AM.
You can also attend services virtually through Zoom, please contact the office to receive the link.
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Membership Directory
To view the membership directory, you will need to login to your account and then click the link below:
If you are having trouble logging in or viewing the Membership Directory, watch this short instructional video.
Welcome | Spirituality | Community | Membership | Calendar | Giving | CONTACT
Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center
1355 N. Mentor Ave
P.O. Box 41660
Pasadena, CA 91104
(626) 798-1161 | info@pjtc.net
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