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Sisterhood Scoop - August

By Nancy Carlton

Sisterhood begins its 2022-23 year under amazing, dedicated and strong leadership with a fresh vision and new goals.  We have an active and committed Sisterhood board and committee chairs who need your help and support to guarantee the success of Sisterhood programming.  Become a dues paying member.....become connected.....become involved.  Watch for announcements of activities and programming in the Flame, weekly synagogue emails, weekly Sisterhood emails (Tuesdays), publicity flyers and mailings.

Please join us for our next Sisterhood meeting on August 1 (Monday), 7:30 p.m. via zoom.  Our monthly meetings are open to all Sisterhood members.

I look forward to welcoming you as a continuing or new member of Sisterhood this year. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at (626) 798-5920 or

Nancy Carlton

Sisterhood President 2022-23

2022-23 Sisterhood Board

Executive Committee

President – Nancy Carlton

Vice-President Membership – Aty Rotter

Vice-Presidents Torah Fund – Bobbi & Leah Sloan

Treasurer – Nancy Copeland

Recording Secretary – Annie Sharfstein

Corresponding Secretary – Andrea Kelly

Parliamentarian & Past President – Judy Callahan

Board & Committee Chairs

Artisan Shuk – Anna Bruck, Ellen Dinerman, Ellen Pais, Jill Spector

Break-the-Fast Bites – Judy Balian, Anita Landau

Caring Community Outreach – Stacy Ober

Challah Sales – Debbie Guest, Stacy Miller, Carolyn Siegal

College Outreach –Franci Levine-Grater

D’var Torah – Sondra Dreshner

Hamantashen Bake – Ryann Jorban

Happy Purim Fundraiser – Haley Karish

New Year Greetings & Membership Directory – Karen Hochman Brown, Ruth Kaye, Arlene Weiss

Louis B. Silver Religious School Liaison – Jan Pais

Oneg Coordinator – Anna Bruck

Publicity – Jane Hirschkowitz

Rosh Chodesh – Carol Sofer, Louise Wannier

Sisterhood Shabbat – Michele Browning

Tikkun Olam – Debby Singer

Tributes – Ginny Blitz, Lynn Broudy, Sue Hogan, Amira Karawan, Marilyn Kirschen, Sondra Paskach, Annie Sharfstein, Edie Taylor, Arlene Weiss

Women’s Seder – Marcia Alper, Sue Galpert, Stephanie Ivler

Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785