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2024 Elul Programming  |  Online Elul Resources  |  2024 High Holiday Programming

What is Elul?

Elul, the month of the Hebrew calendar that immediately precedes Rosh Hashanah, presents us with an opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed in order to have the best possible experience of the year to come.

This year, we invite you to use the month of Elul to meditate on our theme, Belonging to Am Yisrael: Finding one another in a world trying to push us apart.

Preparing for the HHD means more than ordering a round challah or buying a brisket. The more meaningful preparation happens internally as we prepare our souls for the approaching new year. Rabbi Jill's Elul workshops will use readings, poetry, prayer, and meditation to create space to go inward. We will focus on our individual selves - the "am" - and then move to exploring how each of us can become part of the AM. Join us for casual introspection and discussion to prepare your soul!

What are the traditional customs?

The Blowing of the Shofar: It is tradition to blow the shofar every weekday after morning services to rouse us from complacency and jolt us into repentance.

Psalm 27: It is customary to recite daily Psalm 27, which assures us of God’s protection and also pleas that he not forsake his people.

Selichot: The prayers of forgiveness called Selichot, including also the 13 Attributes of Mercy, are recited during Elul. Some communities begin the recitation at the beginning of Elul, though Ashkenazi Jews generally begin the practice on the Saturday prior to Rosh Hashanah.

Elul’s Weekly Torah Readings: The Torah readings during the month of Elul provide timely cues for people to awaken to reflection and observe their lives…

  • Parashat Re’eh – Reminds us to see clearly the possibilities presented in each moment and to choose the path of blessing.
  • Parashat Shoftim – Invites us to consider the unfinished business that tears at our hearts.
  • Parashat Ki Teitzei – Demands that rather than impulsively ceding to our desires, we watch them for deeper truths to be revealed.

The Significance of Elul

The idea of repentance in Jewish thought is a return to the path of righteousness. Devoting an entire month to take dedicated steps of introspection, assessment, goal setting and forgiveness (of both your own transgressions as well as those of others), provides a clean slate and a purposeful path into a new year that is guided by truth and mercy. Our rabbis and Jewish leaders of old knew that this could not be done in a day, and with the customs of Elul, they set their people up for successfully leaving one year behind and beginning fresh in the new year.

2024 Programming 
PJTC has prepared many resources and programming to help inspire and guide your readiness for the New Year.

Elul with Rabbi Jill: Everything Old Is New Again
Thursdays in September at PITC: 9/5, 9/12, 9/19, and 9/26 from 7-8:30PM
The month of Elul is intended as a month of preparation for the High Holy Days. These casual workshops led by Rabbi Jill Gold Wright will highlight meditation, poetry, and sharing intended to open our hearts and prepare our spirits for the upcoming New Year. 

Shema Circles: Sign Up Coming Soon! 
"Shema" comes from the Hebrew root "to listen." When you sign up for Shema Circles, you are making a 1-hour, September-May monthly commitment to a special group of 8-10 congregants. You'll spend the academic year learning, sharing, laughing and making new discoveries together through a combination of Jewish and secular source material. If you have any questions about the discussion content or format, just email

Community S'lichot
Saturday, September 28, 2023 at 7:00PM, virtually via Zoom and in-person at PJTC. Join us September 28 at 7:00PM in Galpert Sanctuary for an Adult Education opportunity for our Scientists in Synagogues series, followed by a spiritual preview of the High Holy Days. The Selichot service invites us to explore the spiritual themes and the musical motifs of the Yamim Nora’im, the Days of Awe, from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur, so we can begin to prepare for this special time at PJTC.

SHIRAH: High Holy Days Edition
Sunday September 29 at 12:15PM at PJTC
Learn, sing your hearts out, and even try a bit of meditation as you connect with the music and melodies of the High Holy Days season. No experience necessary!

Religious School (LBSRS) Opening Day & High Holidays 101 & 102: Sunday, August 25
8:45AM–9:30AM: LBSRS families, faculty, & students are invited to a Pancake Breakfast in the Social Hall, sponsored by PJTC Men's Club.

...followed by

High Holidays 101 & 102, open to the whole community!
10:30–12:30PM: Preparing for the High Holy Days looks different for all of us. Whether you are brand new to celebrating or an old pro, we will offer opportunities to prepare yourself—in the kitchen, spiritually, or learning how to use the machzor (HHD prayerbook)! More information coming in your synagogue emails.

Listen to the Melodies of the Season 
Cantor Ruth and the davening team have recorded a few of the prayers that we deeply associate with the High Holy Days. Click here to listen! We encourage you to play these melodies in your homes to begin creating your spiritual space.

Sisterhood & Men's Club High Holiday Goodies - Coming Soon! 

Online Resources


You too can blow the shofar!

  • Click here to watch a how-to video on blowing the shofar.

Engaging Elul as a Family:

  • Click here to read a My Jewish Learning article to help guide family members of all ages toward an enriching Elul.
  • See our ELUL for kids activity suggestions below! (click on the image to open and download a PDF)

Wed, March 26 2025 26 Adar 5785