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Community Programs

PJTC is a vibrant, inclusive and intergenerational community, with programs designed to promote Jewish values in our homes, our lives, the community, and the world. We welcome all who come through our doors seeking opportunities to engage with us, put their time behind causes that matter, and create that special feeling of friendship and connectedness. Our members are always encouraged to work with us to build programs that represent new interests and segments of our congregation.

We understand that our community is built from a wide array of life stages, levels of religious practice, interests, etc. To this end, we currently have developed the following community program assortment:

Youth Programs | Community Giving | Caring Community Program | Sisterhood | Men’s Club | Social Justice Committee | Adult Education Committee | Interfaith Study GroupSocial HallsHAZAK (55+) | Center Activities | Our “Village” | Jewish Equity and Inclusion (JEDI) | Green Committee | 20s/30s Group | Hiking Group | Israel Committee | Shirah | Additional Groups

YOUTH PROGRAMS – In addition to our religious school, we have curated youth programs that build friendship, self-esteem, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging in our children. With a rich, engaging offering of social, Jewish and volunteering activities, and opportunities to attend regional and international events, PJTC youth find purpose and friendship within our community. Our award-winning chapter of United Synagogue Youth (USY) caters to our 7th through 12th grade members, while its counterpart Kadima is open to 3th through 6th graders. We are also have Machar for children in TK through 2nd grades. If you have questions about our youth programming or have a child in TK-12th grade and want to stay informed on our youth group events, contact Emily Catalano at

COMMUNITY GIVING – Our community thrives on giving of ourselves and there is a plethora of ways to volunteer: assisting in the PJTC office, acting as a Shabbat Greeter, delivering meals and prayer books, hosting an oneg or kiddush lunch, collecting food and toiletries for non-profit programs, lending a hand to Sisterhood's Caring Community efforts, and more. Click to learn more about volunteering and ways to give back to our community at PJTC.

PASTORAL CARE It is our mission at PJTC to enhance and nurture the spirit of community within our congregation by addressing the emotional and/or special needs of all our congregants. Every member is invited to help support and comfort those in need within our congregation.

SISTERHOOD – PJTC’s Sisterhood is a community of women joined to do more than each could do alone. This group of friends and doers supports our congregation and strives to make our community and world a better place. If you are not already a member of Sisterhood, they invite you to join. To learn more, click here.

MEN’S CLUB – PJTC’s Men’s Club is a fellowship and service group dedicated to enriching our temple community, supporting our Jewish youth, and fostering social connections and intellectual/spiritual growth for our community. Its membership is always open to newcomers, and they encourage you to visit their page for more information.

SOCIAL JUSTICE – The Social Justice Committee is a dedicated group of congregants who work, in accordance with PJTC’s mission, to educate about and engage our members to respond to societal conditions and contemporary issues that need our attention and support. Click here for more information about the Social Justice Committee, their mission and their programming, or sign up for their email list.

ADULT EDUCATION COMMITTEE – PJTC’s Adult Education Committee works toward the continued Jewish education of our membership, providing learning resources, making film screenings available, inviting guest speakers and coordinating panel discussions on relevant topics of interest to our community. Programming is showcased on our upcoming events page. You can learn more or join the committee in support of this effort with a quick email to the committee.

INTERFAITH STUDY GROUP PJTC is part of the Interfaith Study Group, a joint effort by All Saints Church, the Islamic Center of Southern California, and PJTC to learn and appreciate the commonalities and differences between our religious faiths. To learn more or get involved, click here.

SOCIAL HALLS – When there is an important topic to discuss or the congregation simply feels the need to congregate, our leadership is here to set the stage for discussions and community time that matters. Members are periodically invited to informational, educational or discussion-fostering gatherings (in person and virtually), to keep our tight-knit community working as one. During this time of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, we are holding weekly Social Halls to foster community. Members can access login information through our weekly congregational eblast or in their password protected member communications archive page.

HAZAK – HAZAK is a social group for people who are 55+, a community within the PJTC community that is primarily for fun and devoted to the interests of its members. Appropriately, HAZAK is an acronym for hokhma (wisdom) ziknah (maturity) and kadima (looking ahead). It can also mean strength. For this coming year, the committee planning programs for this group has announced some terrific events including outdoor movies on Katz Terrace, Shabbat dinners in member homes, going to plays at local theaters (Pasadena Playhouse, A Noise Within, and Sierra Madre Playhouse), visits to local museums with guided docent tours, game nights/days, nature walks at local gardens, hosting interesting speakers, attending concerts, etc. This is a group that fosters camaraderie and friendships through its many and varied educational, entertaining and spiritual opportunities.

CENTER ACTIVITIES – The “C” in PJTC stands for “Center” because we are so much more than a temple. PJTC is a place to gather, a source of entertainment, and a place to explore your special interests. We work with our members to create and foster meaningful and enjoyable programming. See our calendar of events for activities such as:

  • Meditation
  • Parent meet-ups & discussions
  • Juggling club
  • Basketball pick-up games
  • CPR certification classes
  • Cooking instruction
  • Mah-Jong tournaments
  • Book clubs

JEDI – JEWISH EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION (JEDI) are core Jewish values, rooted in teachings that all are created in the image of the Divine. At PJTC, this means respecting the dignity of each person who comes in the door. JEDI promotes and supports connection and programming that honors the rich diversity of Jewish expression, identity and experience. JEDI’s programs have included listening sessions and panel discussions about:

- Invisible and visible disabilities
- Jewish Addiction Awareness and Resources for Healing
- Lived experiences of LGBTQ + Jews 
- Jewish texts about inclusion of multi faith families, Jews of Color and all aspects of Jewish identity. 

If you would like to learn more about JEDI and how you may add your unique gifts, email or check PJTC’s weekly emails for meetings and programs. JEDI would love to welcome you! Everyone’s contributions are valued! COME AS YOU ARE! 

GREEN COMMITTEE – The Green Committee promotes environmental stewardship at the synagogue, among our PJTC community, and in the wider world through education, action, and advocacy.

20s/30s GROUP – PJTC’s 20s & 30s Group provides opportunities for young adults to gather. Programs include Shabbat potluck dinners every month or two, trivia nights, a Hanukkah Party, an introspective discussion group, and anything you'd like to make happen! This group is great for those both new and old to the greater Pasadena area to get involved with like-minded peers. Group members brainstorm event ideas collaboratively and rotate event chair/hosting responsibilities, or you can just show up!

HIKING – The PJTC Hiking Club does monthly outings exploring interesting, often little-known trails in the Pasadena vicinity. We usually do about 3-4 miles at an easy to moderate pace, but can do more if there is interest. We usually start at 8:30AM and are back to our cars around 10:30AM, but we may make adjustments for weather or other PJTC events of interest. The real point is to get together and commune with each other and nature. Outings are usually the last Sunday of the month. Contact Phil Callahan, for more information.

ISRAEL COMMITTEE – This committee is welcome to all, regardless of background, viewpoint, and current engagement with Israel or Zionism. We welcome all in our community to participate fully and learn more about Israel’s culture, history, music, dancing, cuisine, economy, academics, and its diverse people. Click here for more information! 

SHIRAH – Led by Cantor Ruth, Shirah is an opportunity to learn new melodies while enjoying what's already familiar, and learning to sing together in vocal and spiritual harmony. 

If you need any accommodation(s) when you arrive, or while you are at the PJTC campus, please call Theresa Breken at (626) 798-1161.


Our community extends beyond the walls of PJTC. Please take advantage of our affiliations with and resources of the below associated organizations.

B’nai Simcha Jewish Community Preschool

Located on PJTC’s campus, B’nai Simcha offers a warm and nurturing program and is the only Jewish preschool in the west San Gabriel Valley.

The Jewish Federation provides programs and services that support the needs of the Jewish community in its region and acts as the Jewish voice on issues that affect the greater Jewish community.

PJ Library sends free Jewish children’s books to families across the world every month. 

Camp Gan Shalom 

The Jewish Federation’s summer camp for local youth and teens.

Bet Tzedek attorneys and advocates help people of all communities secure life’s necessities. 

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785